Sep 27, 2023
WELCOME to the CSMTA 2023 National AGM and Educational Conference
This year, the Canadian Sport Massage Therapy Association is Hosting their National Conference in Niagara Falls ON Novemeber 17-19 2023. Our conference theme is “Leaving your limits behind”. We can accomplish this task by incorporating new ideas, innovative techniques, education, and interactive events to build stronger community bonds and exceed our own possibilities.
Letting go of our preconceptions and embracing change through exploration. Participants, have the ability to create their own safe spaces to learn and ask questions,” I wonder what’s on the other side?”, “What if…,” and then, “Let’s try…,”. As therapists we crave to grow and evolve in order to benefit our clients, ourselves, and our community around the world. Welcome to the idea EXCHANGE.
Topics Include
Pelvic floor connection to Diaphragm-Terra Nicholle
Lower Quadrant Fascial chains- Anne Hartley
Interdisciplinary treatment of RED-S- Nicole Springle
Sport Taping – Mike Cook
And many more
Click the link below for more information and registration 👇🏽
Reserve you spot now!