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Reminder to registrants: CMTBC will launch redesigned Quality Assurance program in January 2024

Jan 3, 2024

Reminder to registrants: CMTBC will launch redesigned Quality Assurance program in January 2024

CMTBC will launch a redesigned Quality Assurance (QA) program in January 2024.

The College is moving away from a QA model that was in the past based primarily on the requirement to earn continuing education credits (CECs) by completing approved for continuing education activities. In 2024, CMTBC will introduce a redesigned program supported by best practices in regulation, current evidence on continuing competence, and guiding principles.

The new QA program, which will allow CMTBC to meet its public protection mandate and provide for a meaningful and relevant process for all RMTs, includes the following core components:

Practice Development program
CMTBC online courses: for 2024, the CMTBC-authored online course will be on Indigenous cultural safety, humility, & anti-racism
Practice hours
Standard First Aid/CPR-C

Practice Development program
The Practice Development program is an annual quality assurance requirement that provides each Practising RMT the opportunity to both assess and identify areas of improvement within their practice and professional knowledge, skills, abilities, and clinical judgements. As part of the redesigned QA program, all Practising RMTs will be required to complete a yearly cycle of practice development based on the core competencies of the massage therapy profession.

The yearly program will require Practising RMTs to complete self-assessment questions, followed by development of an individualized learning plan, completion of registrant-directed learning activities, and reflection on the impact those activities have had on achieving the stated learning plan goals set by the RMT. Beginning in January 2024, RMTs will work toward completing the yearly cycle as a registration requirement for 2025.

CMTBC will provide detailed information regarding the Practice Development program and requirements beginning in January 2024.

For more information, see the Practice Development page.

CMTBC online course: Indigenous cultural safety, humility, & anti-racism (ICSHAR)
The CMTBC-authored online course for 2024 will be on Indigenous cultural safety, humility, and anti-racism and will support RMTs in applying the new ICSHAR standard of practice to their practices. RMTs will be able to complete the online course at any time between its launch in January until October 2024. RMTs will have eight weeks to complete the online course from the date of enrollment. Completion of the online course will be a registration renewal requirement for 2025. More information about the course and how to enroll will be provided prior to the course launch.

For more information, see the CMTBC Online Courses page.

Practice hours
As part of its redesigned QA program, CMTBC introduced a minimum practice hours requirement in April 2023. Practice hours are one indicator of an RMT’s continued competence. Working at least a minimum level of practice hours, within a specified time period, demonstrates that an RMT has current practice knowledge. This in turn helps to build public trust in the RMT’s ability to provide safe, competent, and ethical treatment to patients. Registrants will be asked to report their practice hours from the previous three years (2023-2025) for the first time when completing registration renewal for 2026.

For more information, see the Practice Hours page.

Standard First Aid/CPR-C
Within the redesigned QA program, Standard First Aid (SFA)/CPR-C requirements has remained unchanged. In accordance with CMTBC’s Bylaws, RMTs must continue to maintain current certification in SFA/CPR-C. RMTs with SFA/CPR-C certification that expires in 2024 are required to re-obtain valid certification to be in compliance with the Bylaws.

For more information, see the Standard First Aid & CPR-C page.

Communication about redesigned QA program
CMTBC will thoroughly communicate to registrants about the redesigned QA program, through news stories shared via email newsletters, and updates to pages in the Quality Assurance section of the CMTBC website beginning in January 2024. CMTBC asks that all RMTs remain current with information provided by the College regarding the redesigned QA program.

For more information
If you have questions about the redesigned QA program, please email

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