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CMTO - Registration Fees for 2023

Aug 24, 2022

CMTO - Registration Fees for 2023

After considering the College’s financial requirements ( to perform regulatory operations required by legislation (registration, quality assurance, investigations and hearings), Council met on August 23, 2022, and approved the following fees for 2023:

General Certificate – $897.00
Inactive Certificate– $448.50

In the following years, the General Certificate fee will be increased by no more than $75 per year, and the Inactive Fee will be set at 50% of the General Certificate.

Council also approved increasing the application fee from $100 to $225. In addition to raising this fee in 2023, moving forward, the application fee will increase by the rate of inflation, rounded to the nearest dollar.

The proposed By-Law changes (i.e., to By-Law No. 7 – Fees) were circulated to registrants from May 19 to July 19, 2022. Thank you to the 2,350+ respondents who provided CMTO with feedback, including thoughtful suggestions about CMTO’s operations. A summary of feedback ( , including a letter from the Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of Ontario is available on CMTO’s website. Feedback on operations will be considered as Council develops its 2023-25 Strategic Plan this fall.

Registration renewal will open on September 30, 2022. RMTs should renew their registration by no later than November 1, 2022.

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